Monday, March 7, 2016

Learn the Art of Synchronizing Your Breathing Technique to Singing

I’ve written about the importance of breathing sufficiently in time for each note and phrase that you sing, but nothing can be said enough about this topic. In this article, I will re-cap some of the pointers I gave in some of my previous articles on breathing, but more importantly, today I want to show you how to apply a different technique to help you develop the technique and spontaneity of correct breathing for singing.

The idea is to practice deep diaphragmatic breathing for a few minutes a day to develop the technique, but there isn’t a one-size-fits-all exercise in existence that everybody can do and get the same results. I personally prefer the eight by eight by sixteen breathing exercise wherein you breathe in to the count of eight beats, hold your breath for eight beats and then exhale with a hiss for sixteen beats. This is perhaps THE most effective breathing exercise—for me—and it can be alternated between sipping in the breath and dropping the jaw gradually to drink that breath. However, if this doesn’t work for you, you’ll certainly know about it soon enough. And here’s how the alarm bells on that go off. IF the jaw drop isn’t continuous—if at some point your mouth simply freezes and doesn’t move an inch and you’re not breathing steadily to the count of eight beats, then you’ll know it’s certainly not happening for you. So what’s the alternative? Sip in that breath instead. It’ll help open you up for deep diaphragmatic breath intakes because it’s just one continuous sip. From my experience teaching, almost anybody can do this. But there is also another way to improve your breathing technique. And that’s what I’m about to explain next.

If at the drop of a single piano key as your cue, you were to take in a deep breath whilst opening out your mouth and inhaling deeply, and then immediately blowing out before the next piano key drops in the next key up, and if you repeated the same breathing pattern—pretty much breathing like your life depended on it—you’ll begin to realize that you will be effectively doing two things. Simulating the breath intakes that are essential for singers before each note and phrase; and also conditioning your ear to open to breathe in time for the next scale in training—well, and inherently when you sing the songs that you love. My Learn to Sing with Joett Booster Program CD has a single key piano track you could quite easily use to this end. To download free mp3, Click Here!

If you want to improve your singing voice, read my Vocal Training Product Review for Home Learning article in which I recommend vocal training programs that cover the entire spectrum in voice training to include: Pitch, Tone, Vocal Agility, Head Voice, High Notes, the Mix, Vibrato and MORE. Click Here!

You are the instrument, learn to sing like a pro!


Vocal Coach & Author "Letters from a Vocal Coach"
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